what people are saying


“What seems to me to be one of the most important things about our movement is that we have freed painting from the tyranny of subject-matter. I am free to paint flowers and call them flowers, without having to weave a story round them. Your work I find splendid….”

Jordi Galí


“In your work everything is forever free in the beautiful residue of memories and imagination and yet lovingly captured in your canvas.”

Jessica Swan


“Your work has rhythm and space, a lot of it. Like it…”

Silvia Hornig


“I find the lines provide a great sense of movement over the paler shapes that seem to fade into the background giving the piece a depth that intrigues me. It’s like visual poetry in a way.”

Cameron White (artist)


“I find your work beautiful, it feels like a sort of Zen to me, very silent also.”

Lotte Eijerkamp


“I just want to have them, buy them, love them, hang them”

Patrick Sarlemein